The NJ Stormwater Matters collaborative includes 18 local news outlets: the 14 papers of the New Jersey Hills Media Group, NewJersey Spotlight News, TapInto Newark, and Public SquareAmplified (PSA); as well as the Center for Cooperative Media at Montclair State University. The project is being managed by the Corporation for New JerseyLocal Media, the nonprofit owner of the New Jersey Hills Media Group.
This site represents a collaboration of eight of the areas newsrooms and media organizations that have come together to report on solutions to the pressing issues of flooding and stormwater management in our part of the state.
Supported by the Solutions Journalism Network, this project seeks to advance the conversation on stormwater management by exploring solutions both in New Jersey and in other communities.
This site has three sections. The top section has links to our project’s reporting. You can click on the journalist’s name to learn more about where that journalist works, and click on the link to read the story in full. The second section has links to our outlets’ other reporting on the topic. The final section has links to reporting on the topic from around the web.
We welcome your engagement! You can comment on any of the stories, or send us a message in the feedback box. We will be hosting a variety of in person and virtual events to talk further about the work. Please check out the “Events” tab to learn more.